Why Us?
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is the world’s largest advocate and catalyst for change for women in engineering and technology. To ensure SWE members reach their full potential as engineers and leaders, the Society offers unique opportunities to network, provides professional development and shapes public policy. SWE champions the value of diversity. We inspire young girls to become engineers and support them with scholarships in order to expand the engineering profession’s ability to improve the quality of life for billions of people worldwide.

Steps to Join Us
Go to the Society of Women Engineers website by clicking the link below:
Click "Register" then "Join"
Select Santa Clara Valley Section
Select Santa Clara Valley as your section.

Sign up for the SCV Newsletter​
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Community of Support
SWE is an inclusive organization focused on issues of interest to women specializing in engineering and technical careers.
Education & Development
SWE's education and outreach activities are designed to enhance the quality of life for women of all backgrounds who pursue the profession of engineering
Resources & Information
As a worldwide leader in engineering knowledge and support, SWE is a partner you can turn to for advanced, relevant information about women in technical careers.
Leadership Skills
Members are encouraged and supported in the development of skills necessary to be effective leaders in a global marketplace.
Affinity Groups
Affinity Groups are small groups within the organization where individuals sharing a common element of diversity work collaboratively together! The program is growing, and we now have 5 active affinity groups with champions who want to connect with you and establish a network within SWE for you to ASPIRE, ADVANCE, and ACHIEVE within the organization.