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Executive Council

SWE Santa Clara Valley Executive Council
Fiscal Year 2024


Kimberly Lam


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Major: Mechanical Engineering / Operations Research

Currently Working at: Microsoft, Azure


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Kim is a Program Manager at Microsoft in Azure Edge + Platform. She is a New Jersey native and attended the New Jersey Institute of Technology for undergrad and Georgia Tech (remotely) for grad school. She started her career in the Philadelphia area before moving to Santa Clara Valley. She has been a member of SWE since her days at NJIT and has served in a variety of roles in her local section and in the Society; most recently serving as a Scholarship Coordinator and looking forward to leading the SCV section. She lives with her partner who is a fellow New Jersey transplant and an awesome dog named Mango.


The President can be reached at


Lisa Duncan


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Major: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Worked in: Computer Hardware and Software


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Lisa worked for 30 years as a Program Manager at various computer hardware and software companies. She has been active in SWE since college and is a past president of our Santa Clara Valley Section. Lisa is a Bay Area native who went to school at UC Berkeley and now lives in Redwood City. Lisa is the author of two financial guide books for young people: "Your Money in Your 20s" and "Your Money in Your 30s", available on Amazon.


The President-Elect can be reached at


Bing Zhang

Clara Brock Vice President

This position is dedicated to SCV SWE member,
Clara Brock.

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Major: Industrial Engineering

Currently Working at: IBM


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Bing is a research data scientist at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA.  She grew up in China, and she has been in the United States for almost 10 years. She got her Master and Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University. Her research interests include AI analytics and natural language processing. She is passionate about helping others grow professionally and is very enthusiastic about promoting women in STEM through SCV SWE. She lives with her husband and two daughters in east San Jose.


This Vice President can be reached at


Responsible for:

Company Spotlights

SWE Next

K-12 Outreach



Shubhi Asthana

Mary Rogers Vice President

This position is dedicated to SCV SWE member,
Mary Rogers.

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Major: Computer Engineering

Currently Working at: IBM Research


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Shubhi is a Research Sr. SWE at IBM Research. She has been with SWE since 2019 and served as VP for SWE SCV since 2022. She has a passion to perform research and development in data engineering and analytics. She is passionate on promoting external eminence for women in tech, and pioneers a column ‘Tech Jargon’ in the city newspapers to promote tech amongst non-technical news readers.


This Vice President can be reached at


Responsible for:

Company Spotlight

Professional and Career Development Events


Claire Wemp


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Major: Mechanical Engineering

Currently Working at: DuPont


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Claire is a Thermal Applications Engineer at the DuPont Silicon Valley Technology Center in Sunnyvale, CA. She is a Mechanical Engineering graduate of both Santa Clara University (BS) and UC Berkeley (MS/PhD). Throughout that time she held leadership roles in student SWE and GradSWE chapters and has been a professional member in both the Golden Gate and Santa Clara Valley SWE Sections. In 2022, she was one of 1 engineers to receive the Society of Women Engineers Rising Technical Conributor award.  She has a passion for science outreach, music, and dance and lives in San Jose Japantown with her husband.


The Treasurer can be reached at


Responsible for:





Ying Tejada


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Major: Mechanical Engineering & Chemistry

Currently Working at: GE Aerospace


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Ying is a Supplier Controls Engineer based in San Jose, CA. Her goal is to continue helping the chapter engage and empower minority engineers. Ying previously held SWE leadership roles for collegiate and professional chapters. She is passionate about STEM outreach and giving back to her communities. Outside of SWE, she is also an active SHPE Lifetime member and involved with WIA and SASE.


The Treasurer Elect can be reached at


Responsible for:





Alisa Thomas


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Major: Electrical Engineering

Currently Working in: Texas Instruments


Pronouns: she/her/hers


Alisa is a Field Applications Engineer for Texas Instruments in Santa Clara. She is a Dallas native and has both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Texas at Dallas, where she was heavily involved in SWE and other gender-focused initiatives. Alisa is very passionate about efforts aimed at bridging the gender gap in the engineering industry and empowering women to achieve their full potential as engineers in the workforce. In her free time, you can find Alisa playing pickleball, strumming her ukulele, or drinking boba.


The Secretary can be reached at


Responsible for:



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