Mentors can help you grow your career! Find one through SWE-SCV
Our mentor program has been designed to help women in engineering and technology. The program works to help young women be paired with experienced professional women engineers working in industry to gain counsel and career mentoring. This program is available for the general public at all tiers of a women's career. We have had mentees who have been unemployed seek these services. Since the program was launched, we are seeing a growth of women volunteer to be mentors and have also seen an increase in signups from women seeking to be mentored. Some of our mentor/mentee relationships become permanent and our mentors are gracious in continuing to mentor for the SWE's mission and cause.
You do not need to be SWE member to leverage the benefits of being our mentoring program. Our goal is support each person entering the program as a mentee and provide guidance. The mentoring program goals are outlined below:
1. Help members and scholarship applicants or recipients to find a compatible mentor
2. Provide opportunities for members to mentor other professionals, scholarship applicants or both
3. Provide guidance to help members create effective, long-lasting mentoring relationships​
The time commitment is flexible, depending on the relationships that mentors and mentees develop together. If you are interested in signing up, check out the link here: